Three Demag V-type cranes for automotive supplier
- Innovative industrial cranes for new production location in Saxony
- V-type offers greater flexibility for girder geometry
In its search for suitable cranes for its new production location in Plauen, Saxony, the mechanical engineering company VCM GmbH has decided in favour of three Demag V-type cranes. Decisive was the fact that the V-type crane fits between the roof of the workshop and a portal milling machine that measures 7.80 metres in height, without compromising the specified safety distance. The innovative design of the Demag V-type crane, which is based on bionic principles, enables greater flexibility to be achieved with the girder geometry for the same load capacity. “Cranes that have box-section girders with the necessary height would not have managed the required load capacity, not even if they were double-girder cranes”, explains VCM General Manager Ludger Peitz. “The single-girder variants of the Demag V-type cranes even achieve the required load capacity.”
The V-type cranes have a rated load capacity of 10 tons and a span of 29.67 metres. The mechanical engineering company utilises two of these V-type cranes in its main workshop, which covers an area of 3,000 square metres. “The two cranes in our large production bay already played a valuable role during the assembly of the portal milling machine, which took several months”, says Peitz. “Following the start of production, they are to be used for transporting heavy parts for the machine tools.” VCM benefits from the reduced weight of V-type cranes: on average, they weigh some 17 per cent less than comparable cranes that have box-section girders. “That enables us to move heavier workpieces with spreaders”, explains Peitz. “In addition, the cranes are designed to operate at the shortest possible distance to each other.” A third V-type crane has additionally been installed in another smaller workshop to load and unload trucks.
As a supplier to the automotive industry – including customers such as VW – VCM manufactures machine tools for the production of engine blocks or cylinder heads, for example. The production facility operated by VCM GmbH on the Oberlosa industrial estate will enter service in March 2016.
About Terex Material Handling
Terex MHPS GmbH is one of the world’s leading suppliers of crane technology with Demag industrial cranes and crane components. The core competence of the Terex Material Handling business group lies in the development, design and production of technically sophisticated cranes, hoists and components and the provision of sales support and services for these products. Terex Material Handling manufactures at 19 locations on five continents and reaches its customers thanks to its presence in more than 60 countries.
About Terex
Terex Corporation is a diversified global manufacturer of a broad range of equipment that is focused on delivering reliable, customer-driven solutions for many applications, including the construction, infrastructure, quarrying, mining, shipping, transportation, refining, energy, utility and manufacturing industries. Terex reports in five business segments: Aerial Work Platforms, Construction, Cranes, Material Handling & Port Solutions and Materials Processing. Terex offers financial products and services to assist in the acquisition of Terex equipment through Terex Financial Services. Visit for further information.
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