Demag Crane Configurator Just a few steps to receive your individual quotation Your crane needs* (Required) 1. How heavy are the loads to be lifted? - Select -11,251,622,53,2456,381012,5162025324050 Tonnes - None -Image 2. What span width do you need to cover with the crane 2. What span width do you need to cover with the crane m 3. How high do you need to lift the load? 3. How high do you need to lift the load? m 4. How often is the crane in operation Rarely (around once a day) Moderately (several times a day) Continuously 5. Is the crane exposed to extreme conditions No, the crane operates under moderate ambient conditions Low temperatures (under -10 °C) High temperatures (above 45 °C) Extreme ambient conditions (dusty, high air humidity >60%, corrosive, explosive, cleanroom) Upload Maximum 5 files.3 MB limit.Allowed types: gif, jpg, png, pdf, jpeg, doc, docx. Additional requirements 1. Does the crane need load-sway reduction No Yes 2. Do you want to turn your loads safely by up to 180 Yes No 3. Is here equipment in the crane working area that you want to bypass Yes No 4. Do you want to control the crane via radio Yes No 5. Do you want a quotation for the main power supply line along the crane runway Yes, length of the crane runway No Project information 1. When are you planning to start using the crane Soon In less than 6 months Between 6 and 12 months In more than 12 months 2. Where is the crane used? Indoors Outdoors Both Your Details* (Required) Title - None -Mr.Mrs. First name Last name Company Street Zip code City Country - Select -Norway Email Phone number Opt-in Yes, I am interested in receiving news updates and marketing information about Demag products and services. Terms & Conditions I have read and understood Contact data protection statement. Customer Contact Data Protection Description and Cookie statement.