Reliable support in the industry
Automotive industry
We have been a reliable partner to the automotive industry for decades. We supply solutions for materials handling and in-house logistics along the entire value chain. The manufacturers of motor vehicles and their suppliers use Demag technologies for lifting and transport applications in the manufacture and assembly of their products all over the world.
Fields of application
- Press plants
- Vehicle assembly
- Supplier sector
Press plants
We supply process cranes designed for specific applications in press plants operated by the automotive industry that are integrated into our customers’ complex manufacturing processes. The cranes ensure that the necessary tools are stored and supplied to the press lines just-in-time. Especially when tools weighing up to 50 tonnes have to be turned, they can demonstrate their performance to the full.
Vehicle assembly
Solutions provided by our versatile KBK light crane system are the first choice in many applications in pre-assembly operations and in assembly lines in the automotive sector. Designed on the principle of a modular construction kit, these solutions help our customers’ workers in the manufacture of a wide variety of components and modules as well as in the assembly of vehicles. The KBK light crane system is also ideally suited to support complex handling systems – for example in series production lines.
Supplier sector
Suppliers to the automotive industry already rely on Demag technology. In a variety of sizes, our cranes and hoists assist companies wherever loads have to be lifted and transported in the factory. For example, our process cranes are used for handling and storing steel coils, which are used to make car body parts. Workplaces can also be equipped with particularly ergonomic solutions with our chain hoists.