Demag cranes provide efficiency on all levels
- Intralogistics with flexible manufacturing structures
- Crane concept with two levels
- Highest safety standards integrated into the cranes
In the course of a comprehensive reorganisation of its production operation, the Gustav EIRICH mechanical engineering plant in Hardheim, Germany, has completely fitted out a new production bay with Demag cranes. On two levels, an integrated intralogistics solution has been installed that can be used for both transporting large and heavy mixers, as well as for serving the assembly stations with components. As a parallel to this arrangement, the two-crane-level concept has been adopted in the neighbouring paint shop operated by the company, which specialises in industrial processing systems. The two-level concept makes it possible to achieve flexible workplace design. Thanks to the compact configuration of the Demag cranes and hoist units, the height of the workshop is utilised to the best possible advantage. This has enabled investment, maintenance and energy costs to be reduced in the long term.
The integrated solution, which consists of seven Demag crane installations, is based on a comprehensive master plan for reorganisation of the production processes. Uwe Greissing, Factory Manager at EIRICH and responsible for implementation of the new production strategy, comments on the award of the contract to the crane manufacturer: “As a mechanical engineering company, we need reliable partners who provide us with advice throughout all phases and help us to select the appropriate technologies. Besides the comprehensive Demag product range of cranes and hoists, the supplier’s expert consulting services were also a reason why this project was awarded to Terex Material Handling.”
Cranes perform a variety of tasks in the production process
Two 12.5 t Demag EKKE single-girder overhead travelling cranes were installed in the assembly area, where they travel at a height of 9.6 m and serve the assembly stations with the required sub-assemblies and electric motors. On the level above, two Demag ZKKE double-girder overhead travelling cranes, which each have a load capacity of 50 t, operate at a height of 12.5 m. This solution now enables EIRICH also to handle fully assembled large mixers weighing up to 46 t safely as a complete unit. The DR 20 hoist units feature two-stage operation. This ensures that loads can be transported quickly and that the heavy machinery can be positioned precisely and carefully. To meet rising demand in the future, both cranes have been designed for tandem operation, which enables the total weight that can be transported to be doubled to almost 100 t.
Benefits of sophisticated design
All cranes in the assembly bay can be controlled independently of each other via radio control. If large components have to be moved or turned, the cranes on the upper and lower levels approach each other to within a defined minimum distance. Thanks to the special arrangement of the rope drums in the cross-travel direction on the upper crane level, the distance between the hooks can be reduced to a minimum. This configuration not only optimises the approach dimension, but also enables the customer to benefit from the maximum possible working area for the cranes in the new building.
High level of safety for man and material
Work in the neighbouring paint shop is supported by two ZKKE overhead travelling cranes, which have load capacities of 50 t and a span of 9.85 m. A 12.5 t single-girder overhead travelling crane operates on the runway installed below. As in the assembly bay, the cranes that operate above the painting stations are equipped with frequency inverters for smooth starting and variable travel speeds in the cross-travel direction. The highest safety standards were also incorporated. All Demag cranes are fitted with processor-based controls, which satisfy in full the safety-relevant functions as required by the Machinery Directive.
About Terex Material Handling
Terex Corporation is one of the world’s leading suppliers of crane technology with Demag industrial cranes and crane components. The core competence of the Terex Material Handling business group lies in the development, design and production of technically sophisticated cranes, hoists and components and the provision of services for these products. The business group manufactures in 16 countries on five continents and is present in more than 60 countries, reaching customers in more than 100 countries.
About Terex Corporation
Terex Corporation is a diversified global manufacturer engaged in the mechanical and plant engineering sector. A core activity of Terex Corporation is the provision of reliable, customer-driven solutions for many applications, including the construction, infrastructure, shipping, transportation, quarrying, mining, refining, energy, utility and manufacturing industries. Terex reports in five business segments: Aerial Work Platforms, Construction, Cranes, Material Handling & Port Solutions and Materials Processing. Terex Financial Services offers a wide range of products and services to assist in the acquisition of Terex equipment. Please visit our websites at and for further information.
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Christoph Kreutzenbeck
Ruhrstrasse 28
58300 Wetter