Hoist configurator - Your inquiry YOUR TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS: DH HOIST 1. Load capacity (t) - Select -80kg100kg125kg160kg200kg250kg315kg400kg500kg630kg800kg1t1,25t1,6t2t2,5t3,2t4t5t6,3t8t10t12,5t16t20t25t32t40t50t100t 2. Lifting height 3. What kind of operation do you want to use? Customer-side control Wireless operation Wired operation 4. Is the hoist stationary or mobile? Stationary Mobile 4a. Flange widths Additional project information File Maximum 5 files.3 MB limit.Allowed types: gif, jpg, png, pdf, jpeg, doc, docx. YOUR PROJECT INFORMATION 1. Are there any special operating conditions (e.g., temperature, outdoor operation, environmental conditions, etc.)? 2. frequency of use Seldom Daily Multi-shift operation 3. Do you wish to have a power supply? Yes Nein 3a. Trailing cables oder conductors? Trailing cables conductors YOUR CONTACT DETAILS (REQUIRED) Title Please selectMr.Mrs. First name Last name Company Street Zip/post code Town/city Country - Select -India Telephone E-mail Select one of the following options Demag Distributors: Near youThanks to a comprehensive network and locations across the country, one of our Distributors / Crane Builders is always close to you and ensures comprehensive Product and service offering, e.g. Spare parts Stocking, crane Installation and maintenance.Here you can get an offer from a Demag distributor. Advice from end customer sales teamThe Demag sales engineers and service team offer you technical expertise and advice on all aspects of all Demag products: in person, by phone or by e-mail.Here you will receive your personal offer Terms & Conditions I have read and understood the privacy policy. I agree that my data can be used as described in the privacy policy. I am aware that I can withdraw my approval for the use of my data in future at any time. I am aware that I am receiving an offer from a Demag certified partner and agree to my data being passed on to them. Error message Bitte füllen Sie alle Pflichtfelder aus.